Our Story

There’s no denying the unrivaled power of storytelling for passing along skills, knowledge, and values

Let us help you create e-learning that features the stories your business needs to tell.Book a call
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Most stories feature a hero.

This is an exceptional individual who usually goes on an important quest that ends in new insight or knowledge. Most people identify with that hero – often a superhero – because we want to be one ourselves.

That desire to be heroic forms the basis of our approach to e-learning: to center the learner as the hero in their story, capable of accomplishing any task that needs to be done. This immediately captivates learners as they become personally invested in the outcome. They want to learn.

Heroes actively participate in the quest.

That is why we ensure that learners are active participants in the story by using gamification, problem-solving, knowledge checks, and adult-learning techniques to provide meaningful interactions. 

This enables learners to practice, build confidence, and visualize themselves using their new skills successfully on the job.

Our name, “Griotitude” embodies our learning philosophy.

In West Africa, Griots are storytellers, musicians, and oral historians who pass down knowledge and traditions in an unbroken line of continuity. They teach by telling stories.